Take Me Out In A Pine Box
Me moved 2000km away a little over a year ago. This is the ordeal we went through.
Why I Changed My Name (and pronouns)
I changed my name about a year ago. I’d like to tell you why.
The Chaotic Catastrophe of Acquiring Cricket
Cricket. Mini. Cricketus Minimus. Teeny Tiny Telepathic Terrorist.
Whatever name we have for him, there’s certainly one thing he isn’t.
Why I Won’t Use #selfsufficient
Self-sufficiency isn’t what you think it means. The impossibility of the premise is why I refuse to use the term.
Brain Hamsters & Stove Touching
I have these two tagalongs. I never quite imagined they’d find themselves in perfect synchronicity to make a whole darn thing really complicated for me. Normally these two keep to their own corners and don’t really talk. We’ve well established at this point that I live with challenges, not necessarily well understood by the world at large.
My Coming Out Party
It took me almost 32 years to be comfortable with myself. I’m now in a place that I can be open about it to the world.
Apartment Life and I
I am not built for apartment living. I envy the chic city versed individuals who prefer the convenience of covered parking and no maintenance. I know a lot of people live in apartments because they don’t have another option.
I’m currently one of the latter category.
How Autism Affects Me
This is going to end up a recurring theme but it also feels fitting for a first post on the website. Hi I’m Quin and I’m autistic.
This Blog contains information related to our experience in navigating the world and how we have chosen (for better or worse) to conduct ourselves in a given situation. It is by no means intended to be a medical, diagnostic, financial, or therapeutic guide. We are here to share our world with you, please take it and leave it as just a commentary on our journey as fallible humans.