Hurricane Fiona
Back in September 2022, we got hit with Hurricane Fiona on September 23rd, our one year anniversary of moving to Nova Scotia. It hit late in the evening Friday the 23rd and howled through to the late morning of the 24th.
We lost power around 8:30pm and it didn’t come back on for 9 days. 9 days without power was a very long 9 days. Fortunately we had the generator working overtime and we could still run things like our satellite to watch TV, plug in our toaster oven for warm meals, and even an extension cord through the house to plug the fridge in every day for a few hours. Even more fortunately that this happened in September, so it wasn’t like it was cold outside and we needed to heat the house. We lost a serious amount of trees on our property and a piece of the roof over the barn, but otherwise we came out of it without any serious damage.
Fiona is the strongest hurricane ever recorded in Canada, as well as the largest drop of atmospheric pressure ever, at 932.7 (For reference, a regular stormy rainy day sits around 970-980). 80% of the province lost power. It was also the most expensive weather event in Atlantic Canadian history.